Our Process

We make it easy!

From Intro Call to Ongoing Personal Advice 

Our process is clearly defined, collaborative and simple. 

Step 1: 30 Minute Intro Call

We want to get to know you, your situation, and what you are looking for in a financial planning relationship. We will share how we work with our clients and we both will determine if we are a good fit to work together. At the end of this call there is no hard sell – we’ll ask you to reflect on whether our expertise will benefit you and your family.

Step 2: Collaboration

We will work with you to organize your financial life, and provide tools to see it all in one place. We will also go over your long-term vision and values to clearly understand where you are and what you’re trying to accomplish.

Step 3: Implement Your Plan

Together we will review your full financial picture and how it falls in line with your long-term goals and priorities. Then we provide recommendations, action items, and your one page financial plan.

Step 4: Ongoing Planning

With recurring review meetings and check-ins as necessary, we keep your plan up to date and make needed changes as your life happens.

Your Future Starts Today!

Take 30 minutes to get Clarity on Your Finances and see if We're a Good fit.

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